Chapter 2. Callables

The emphasis in functional programming is, somewhat tautologously, on calling functions. Python actually gives us several different ways to create functions, or at least something very function-like (i.e., that can be called). They are:

  • Regular functions created with def and given a name at definition time

  • Anonymous functions created with lambda

  • Instances of classes that define a __call()__ method

  • Closures returned by function factories

  • Static methods of instances, either via the @staticmethod decorator or via the class __dict__

  • Generator functions

This list is probably not exhaustive, but it gives a sense of the numerous slightly different ways one can create something callable. Of course, a plain method of a class instance is also a callable, but one generally uses those where the emphasis is on accessing and modifying mutable state.

Python is a multiple paradigm language, but it has an emphasis on object-oriented styles. When one defines a class, it is generally to generate instances meant as containers for data that change as one calls methods of the class. This style is in some ways opposite to a functional programming approach, which emphasizes immutability and pure functions.

Any method that accesses the state of an instance (in any degree) to determine what result to return is not a pure function. Of course, all the other types of callables we discuss also allow reliance on state in various ways. The author of this report has long pondered ...

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