

3D printing 2122

acquisition, expanding mission through 93, 9596

Adidas 22, 94, 97, 100

Africa, population growth in 24

African cities 23

African countries 3435

agricultural worker pesticide exposure, reducing 100

Airbnb 3334

air conditioning 90

algorithms 24

Alphabet 38

alternative, scaling up 94, 99100

Amazon 69, 89

America First 102

American Airlines 14

Americas, colonization and independence movements in 16

analytic thinking 59

AND1 76

Annie’s Homegrown 96

antibiotic-resistant diseases 99

apparel industry: ecosystem 94; environmental impact of 5355, 97; future of 3638; partnerships in 97; shoe industry 22, 3637, 94, 100; toxic chemicals produced by 22

Apple 12, 71, 7273, 80

Applegate Farms 96

Aral Sea 54

Armstrong flooring ...

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