
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables respectively.

Abrasion resistance, 60, 310, 407
as advantage of adhesive bonding, 342t
as polyurethane property, 344t–345t, 354t
Acid washing, 396
Acrylics, 344t–345t
Active Tunnel Infusion (ATI™) dyeing, 48
Adhesion theories, 343t
Adhesives, 338
adhesive bonding
adhesion, 341
advantages and disadvantages of, 342t
description, 339t
examples of applications, 356t
bonding process, 346–349
basic steps in, 348f
classification of, 346t
heat-activated adhesives, 349–352
liquid adhesives, 352–355
reactive liquids, 355
solvent-based systems, 353
spray equipment, types of, 352t
waterborne systems, 353–355
materials, 341–346
selection of, 340f
textile adhesives
advantages and disadvantages of, 347t
from ...

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