Gear-Shifting Leadership

Book description

Drawn from his experience as the executive dean of Wilner Sales and Leadership Institute, Leon Cai shares his proven philosophy and methods for improving leadership skills among middle and high-level managers.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Contents
  6. About the Author
  7. Preface
  8. Introduction—Four Gears of Leadership Development
    1. Mid- and High-level Managers Need More Comprehensive Leadership
    2. Four Gears of Leadership Development
  9. Part I Followership
    1. 1 Followers and Leaders
      1. Why Should Leaders Develop Followership?
      2. The Basic Definition and Connotation of Followership
      3. Interaction Between Followers and Leaders
    2. 2 Two Cores of Followership
      1. 5Q Model of Leaders’ Self-management
      2. Seven Laws of Leaders’ Upward Management
        1. Upward Management Law I: Understand and Cater to the Behavioral Types of Superiors
        2. Upward Management Law II: Diagnose the Emotional Cycles of Superiors
        3. Upward Management Law III: Eliminate the Blind Zones of Superiors’ Supervision
        4. Upward Management Law IV: Provide Timely Support to Superiors
        5. Upward Management Law V: Help Superiors Manage Their Time
        6. Upward Management Law VI: Present Problems as well as Solutions
        7. Upward Management Law VII: Promise What You Are Able to Do
  10. Part II Face-to-face Leadership
    1. 3 Four Driving Wheels of Face-to-face Leadership
      1. The Four “Don’t Know” Root Causes of Performance Gap
      2. Four Driving Wheels of Face-to-face Leadership
    2. 4 Face-to-face Leadership: Boundary-Defined Delegation
      1. Form Closed Loops of Execution Through Effective Delegation
      2. Boundary-defined Delegation
        1. Expected Results
        2. Restrictive Terms
        3. Level of Authority
        4. Time Table
        5. Information
        6. Resources
        7. Challenges
        8. Support
      3. Guard Against Anti-delegation from Subordinates
    3. 5 Face-to-Face Leadership—Inner-Driven Motivation
      1. Inner-Driven Motivation versus Material Incentive
      2. Four Types of Inner Drive
        1. Inner Drive of Meaningfulness
        2. Inner Drive of Ownership
        3. Inner Drive of Return
        4. Inner Drive of Self-confidence
    4. 6 Face-to-face Leadership—Dual-Track Mentoring
      1. Two Major Tracks of Subordinate’s Ability
      2. Forms and Rules of Perfect Coaching
        1. Four Types of Situational Coaching
        2. Five Key Rules of Perfect Coaching
      3. Modes and Principles of Effective Counseling
        1. Four Modes of Situational Counseling
        2. Four Principles of Effective Counseling
    5. 7 Face-to-Face Leadership—Preventive Intervention
      1. Behavioral Intervention versus Performance Assessment
      2. Five Murphy’s Behaviors in Urgent Need of Intervention
      3. Seven Golden Steps of Intervention Interview
        1. Step 1: Show Recognition
        2. Step 2: Present Facts
        3. Step 3: Amplify Seriousness
        4. Step 4: Review Previous Expectations
        5. Step 5: Get Promises
        6. Step 6: Provide Support/Set Punitive Measures
        7. Step 7: Express Gratitude and Encouragement
  11. Part III Indirect Leadership
    1. 8 Three Major Roles of Indirect Leaders
      1. Upgrade from Face-to-face Leadership to Indirect Leadership
      2. WWH Analysis Model of Macro Performance
        1. Evaluation Form of the Macro Performance of Your Team
      3. Three Key Roles of Indirect Leaders
      4. Three Performance Indicators of Indirect Leadership
      5. Self-evaluation Form of Five Leadership Roles
      6. How Do the Behaviors in the Following Table Match Those of Yours?
    2. 9 Enhancement of the Centripetal Force of a Team
      1. The 3V Tools of Psychological Contract
      2. Vision Anchor
        1. Three Major Approaches to Setting Effective Vision Anchor
          1. Combining Way of Vision Setting
          2. Extracting Way of Vision Setting
          3. Radiating Way of Vision Setting
        2. FABTE Mode of the Publicity of Vision Anchor
      3. Value Root
        1. Values Are the Roots of Employees’ Behaviors
        2. 3V Principles of the Promotion of Values
      4. Victory Chain
    3. 10 Enhancement of the Executive Force of a Team
      1. Three Components of the Executive Force of a Team
      2. Absolute Non-Negotiables
        1. Three Types of Absolute Non-Negotiables
        2. Five Major Characteristics of Effective Absolute Non-Negotiables
      3. Standard Execution Procedures
        1. Upgrade SEP by Fixing Six Types of Bugs
        2. Three Key Features of Effective SEP
          1. Specification with Flow Charts
          2. Simplification with Key Words
        3. Naming with Pithy Formulas
      4. Key Responsibility Matrix
        1. Three Major Components of Key Responsibility Matrix
        2. Six Major Steps of Formulating KRM
    4. 11 Enhancement of the Cohesive Force of a Team
      1. Interpersonal Synergy Quotient of a Team
        1. Members Show High Willingness to Accept the Final Decision of Their Team
        2. Members Are Quite Willing to Cooperate with Others
        3. Members Show Enough Respect to the Personal Interests of Others
        4. Members Recognize and Appreciate the Contribution of Others
        5. Members Offer Constructive Suggestions and Criticisms
        6. Members Assume Responsibilities of Solving Problems Proactively
        7. There Are No Antagonistic or Destructive Informal Groups in the Team
      2. Fellowship with Complementary Roles
        1. Seven Major Roles in a Team
        2. Promote Cohesiveness by Perfecting the Composition of Team Roles
      3. Informal Group Alliance
        1. Principles of Coping with Different Types of Informal Groups
        2. Five Critical Tactics of Informal Group Alliance
          1. Tactic of Enticement
          2. Tactic of Breakup
          3. Tactic of Penetration
          4. Tactic of Lurk
          5. Tactic of Creation
      4. Trust Circle
        1. Four Critical Steps of Trust Circle Building
          1. Establishment of Trust Circle
          2. Expansion of Trust Circle
          3. Radiation of Trust Circle
          4. Evaluation of Trust Circle
        2. Six Bonds of Building a Trust Circle
          1. Bond of Common Background
          2. Bond of Common Hobby
          3. Bond of Common Interest
          4. Bond of Common Working
          5. Bond of Mutual Understanding
          6. Bond of Common Values
  12. Part IV Organizational Executive Leadership
    1. 12 Three Dynamic Optimizations of Organizational Executive Leadership
      1. Three Dynamic Optimizations of Organizational Executive Leadership
        1. Dynamic Optimization of Talent Pool
        2. Dynamic Optimization of Decision-making Mode
        3. Dynamic Optimization of Leadership Style
      2. Dynamic Optimization of Organizational Talent Pool
        1. The Significance of Building Leadership Development Pipelines
        2. Four Strategies of Developing Leadership Pipelines
          1. Incorporate Successor Development in the Performance Evaluation of Existing Leaders
          2. Link Succession Planning with Existing HR Management System
          3. Identify the Gap of Job Requirements Between the Current Position and the Future Position of Successors
          4. Establish Diversified Selection and Cultivation Mechanisms for Prospective Leaders
        3. Quadrant Ⅰ: High Performance/Low Potential
        4. Quadrant Ⅱ: High Performance/High Potential
        5. Quadrant Ⅲ: Low Performance/High Potential
        6. Quadrant Ⅳ: Low Performance/Low Potential
      3. Dynamic Optimization of Decision-making Modes
        1. Four Modes of Decision-making
          1. Autocratic Way of Decision-making
          2. Advisory Way of Decision-making
          3. Consultative Way of Decision-making
          4. Democratic Way of Decision-making
        2. Seven Questions to be Reflected Upon While Choosing Decision-making Modes
      4. Dynamic Optimization of Leadership Styles
        1. Four Stages of Organizational Development
          1. Level of Organizational Maturity
          2. Level of Organizational Conformity
        2. Leadership Style Composed of Three Leadership Behaviors
          1. Interpersonal Behaviors
          2. Supportive Behaviors
          3. Controlling Behaviors
        3. Leadership Styles and Corresponding Organizational Development Stages
          1. Leadership Style of Partnering for the Development Stage of mc
          2. Leadership Style of Coaching for the Development Stage of mC
          3. Leadership Style of Decentralizing for the Development Stage of MC
          4. Leadership Style of Parenting for the Development Stage of Mc
    2. Conclusion—Learning and Practice of Gear-shifting Leadership
      1. Principle 1: Comprehensive Mastery of Gear-shifting Leadership
      2. Principle 2: Weakness Improvement in Gear-shifting Leadership
      3. Principle 3: Prioritized Enhancement in Gear-shifting Leadership
      4. Principle 4: Preparatory Development of Gear-shifting Leadership
  13. Index

Product information

  • Title: Gear-Shifting Leadership
  • Author(s): Leon Cai
  • Release date: March 2021
  • Publisher(s): Productivity Press
  • ISBN: 9781000366587