I-Collide, 239
icosahedron, 350–351
illustrated, 346
relationships, 347
triangle connectivity, 350–351
vertices, 350
See also platonic solids
identity matrices, 33–34
defined, 33
determinant, 37
general form, 33
multiplication by, 33–34
See also matrices
implicit form
conversion to parametric form, 174
defined, 172
illustrated, 173
parametric form conversion to, 174
of plane equation, 327
inconsistent orderings, 343, 345
incremental construction (2D), 730, 731–738
algorithm architecture, 738
algorithm for given dimensional space, 733
collinearity test, 733–735
condition of visibility, 731
defined, 731
MergeLinear function, 733
MergePlanar function, 737–738
merging, 735–736
pseudocode, 731
randomized algorithms, ...

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