_ (blank identifier), 2nd ! (not operator) ’ ’ (runes) [ ] (square brackets), 2nd { } (curly braces), 2nd, 3rd * (dereference operator) * (pointers) & (address operator), 2nd && operator % (modulus operator), 2nd, 3rd %b format verb (binary) %c format verb (character) %f format verb (floating-point) %T format verb (type) %v format verb (value), 2nd, 3rd %x format verb (hexadecimal) ` ` (raw string literals) + (plus sign), 2nd <- channel operator, 2nd
address operator (&), 2nd After function, 2nd ambiguous selector anonymous functions (function literals), 2nd APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) append function, 2nd arguments, 2nd arrays accessing ...
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