Chapter 4. Interaction and Transitions

So far, we have reproduced the basics: lists, bar charts, scatter graphs, and line charts. While it’s important to have these fundamental building blocks in our toolkit, arguably we’ve not done a great deal more than one could do with standard graphing libraries. The key difference between D3 and earlier generation graphing methods is that our canvas is a web page in a modern browser—a piece of technology that is fundamentally interactive. This means that, with very little effort, we can introduce basic user interactions using standard browser events. By combining interaction with D3’s capability to animate the elements of the web page, we are able to build up rich visualizations that would have been next to impossible with earlier tools.

A Subway Wait Assessment UI I—Interactions

The MTA Subway Wait Assessment is defined as “the percent of actual intervals between trains that are no more than the scheduled interval plus 25%” (i.e., the percentage of trains that were more or less on time). The data is collected once a month and made available, per subway line, to the public. We are going to create a User Interface (UI) using D3 in order to help the public explore this data.

The aim for this example is to provide a simple UI that allows a user to investigate and compare the data, to explore the data in more detail via interaction. This is a very powerful way of presenting data, as it allows the user to choose what they feel is important, and what will help them make decisions. Ben Shneiderman has been teaching this for at least 15 years: “Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on-demand.”[1] With D3 we can achieve this sort of interaction without much more work than we’ve already done in earlier chapters.

There are two data sets we’re going to use in this example. One is the top-level summary statistics data, called subway_wait_mean.json, of which one entry looks like the following:

    "line_id": "6_Line"
    "line_name": "6 Line", 
    "mean": 73.400000000000006

The second data set is the lower-level detail, which contains the subway wait assessment at a monthly level for the last year. The file is called ’subway_wait.json’ and an individual record from that looks like:

    "line_id": 1_Line
    "line_name": "1 Line", 
    "late_percent": 73.1, 
    "month": 1

A Robust Viewport Setup

We’re going to build a time series graph where the user can select those time series they’d like to see. The wait assessment available online right now runs from 2009 through to spring of 2011. We have 22 separate lines excluding the shuttles (which seem to be on-schedule most of the time!), motivating the interactive piece of this graph: showing all the lines at once would be a bit of a mess! We will have a time series plot on the left hand side of the screen, with a clickable key of lines on the righthand side. This example will have a slightly more complex layout than the earlier examples, so we sketch out the structure first shown in Example 4-1.

Example 4-1. Structure of the time series UI layout

<div id="timeseries">
        <g id="chart">

<div id="key">
    <div class="key_line">
        <div class="key_square">
        <div class="key_label">
    <div class="key_line">
        <div class="key_square">
        <div class="key_label">

So we will have two top-level div tags, with IDs timeseries and key. Inside the key will be one row per subway line, containing the key_line div tag, which in turn contains the key_square, which will have color code and the key_label, which will have the line name.

The time series plots will all live inside the timeseries div tag, which is, in turn, inside the svg element. This example uses a more robust idiom for placing the plot elements—the plot will live inside an SVG group element, which will be positioned inside the root SVG element to take into account the necessary margins for the axis ticks and labels.

We begin with the following HTML, which has two extra div tags and some basic style:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"i/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="d3.js"></script>
    .axis path, line{
    .line {
        width: 150px;
        height: 20px;
        fill: none;
        outline:solid 1px black;
		margin: 6px 10px 0px 10px;
function draw(data){
       // script starts here
    <div id="timeseries"></div>
    <div id="key"></div>
        d3.json("data/subway_wait_mean.json", draw);

which sets up the top-level divs. The CSS in this example lives in the top style tag and the JavaScript lives in the top script tag. The first thing we will do in the script is set up the SVG viewport. So, inside the draw function:

var container_dimensions = {width: 900, height: 400},
    margins = {top: 10, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 60},
    chart_dimensions = {
        width: container_dimensions.width - margins.left - margins.right,
        height: container_dimensions.height - - margins.bottom
var chart ="#timeseries")
    .attr("width", container_dimensions.width)
    .attr("height", container_dimensions.height)
    .attr("transform", "translate(" + margins.left + "," + + ")")

A number of new things are happening here. First, we specify two sets of dimensions: the dimensions of the SVG container and then the dimensions of the chart itself. The point here is that we build the chart inside an SVG group with enough space around the edges of the group for the axis and axis labels to live in, avoiding annoying corrections later on in the script. Having set up the dimensions, we add an SVG element to the page, then a group element, which is translated right and down by the appropriate number of pixels.

We have also assigned a selection to a variable for the first time. Each append returns the D3 selection of that element, so here we are assigning the selection of the g element to the chart variable. This avoids having to continually reselect the chart group to hang new elements from it.

Next, we need to set up scales and axes, which we do as usual. The one difference here is that we are manually setting the domains of the scales rather than using the extent of the data set. In this case we know the domains ahead of time, and want to frame all the different time series nicely:

var time_scale = d3.time.scale()
    .domain([new Date(2008, 0, 1), new Date(2011, 3, 1)]);
var percent_scale = d3.scale.linear()
    .range([chart_dimensions.height, 0])
var time_axis = d3.svg.axis()
var count_axis = d3.svg.axis()

    .attr("class", "x axis")
    .attr("transform", "translate(0," + chart_dimensions.height + ")")
	.attr("class", "y axis")
    .text("percent on time")
    .attr("transform", "rotate (-270, 0, 0)")
    .attr("x", container.height/2)
    .attr("y", 50);

Next we need to build the key. For this we will use the summary JSON and iterate through in much the same way as we did for the bar chart in Chapter 2. Note that the draw function is called with this summary JSON file as its data variable. We first append the div.key_line tags and store the resulting selection in a variable:

var key_items ="#key")
    .attr("id",function(d){return d.line_id});

Note that each div has the same class but a unique ID. The key_items variable now stores the selection of all the elements of class .key_line with their associated data. Using this variable it becomes easy to hang the .key_square and .key_label elements from each key_line element:

        .attr("id", function(d){return "key_square_" + d.line_id})
        .attr("class", "key_square");
        .text(function(d){return d.line_name});

This gives us our empty (and not terribly well-styled) stage shown in Figure 4-1. We now need to add some interaction to allow the user to choose which line to draw.

Empty axes and key

Figure 4-1. Empty axes and key

Adding Interaction

The browser is constantly firing events in response to user behavior. Every time the user passes their mouse over an element, a mouseover event is fired in the context of that element. Every time a user clicks on an element, a mousedown event is fired as the mouse button is depressed, a mouseup event is fired as the mouse button is released, and a click event is fired immediately thereafter.

The browser is capable of firing a large number of events (see the DOM Level 2 Events Specification for a full list) though the examples below will focus on the “click” and “mouseover” events. For each element in the page, we can register an event handler that listens for a specific type of event emanating from that element and then, when the event is fired, runs a callback function that performs the desired actions. The D3 library provides a handy .on() method that can be called on a selection, attaching an event handler to the elements in that selection.

We’ll start by adding a click event to the .key_line elements:

    .on("click", get_timeseries_data);

This simply says for each .key_line element in the selection, add an event handler that listens for the click event and, when that event is fired, call get_timeseries_data, which we will write next. The function is referred to as the “listener” and is called just like all the other callbacks, with that element’s data passed in as the first argument, the index as the second (always referred to herein and elsewhere as d and i). Importantly, it also sets the this keyword to be the element to which we’ve attached the handler.


The this keyword is a notorious stumbling block when learning JavaScript. Generally, its value is dependent on the execution context and the syntax of the function call. When using callbacks in D3, this is always set to the current element, allowing us to select the element directly while inside the callback. It’s always worth using console.log(this) in more complex situations, if only to make sure you’re not going crazy!

The callback’s job is to toggle the timeseries line on and off as the key gets clicked on. In order to do this, it will need to test if the line exists already on the page and, if not, fetch the timeseries data and draw the requested time series. Here’s the callback that performs this check and filters the JSON file for the requested time-series data:

function get_timeseries_data(){
    // get the id of the current element
    var id ="id"); 1
    // see if we have an associated time series
    var ts ="#"+id+"_path");
    if (ts.empty()){ 2
        d3.json("data/subway_wait.json", function(data){
            filtered_data = data.filter(function(d){return d.line_id === id}); 3
            draw_timeseries(filtered_data, id);
    } else {
        ts.remove(); 4

There are four new things going on here:


We have selected the element that was clicked on using the this keyword. This gives us access to its ID, which is how we tie everything together.


We have used D3’s selection.empty() to test if the selection we made actually contains any elements. If the line had not been drawn, then the selection ts is empty and ts.empty() will return true. In this case, we then need to extract the data for that line and draw it. If, on the other hand, the line had already been drawn, the selection stored in ts will contain the line elements, and ts.empty() will return false. In this case, we need to simply remove the line in the selection from the visualization.


We have used JavaScript’s array.filter() method to pick out the data whose ID is equal to the ID of the current element. The .filter() method works simply by evaluating the callback function on each element of the data set, keeping only those elements that return true. This is a bit of a shortcut; ideally we’d only request the data we needed, keeping the memory footprint of the page lower.


We have used D3’s selection.remove() method to remove the element if it already exists on the page. This simply removes all the elements in the selection from the page.

Having filtered out the correct data we call draw_timeseries passing in the data and the ID. This function is very simple, it just draws the line defined by the data. The problem, though, is that as it stands we do not have access to the scale objects we created when setting the stage above. We need to make the scale objects global, which requires two edits. The first, is that we need to declare the scale objects outside the draw function, inside the script tags:

var time_scale,
function draw(data){

This declares two global variables that can be accessed anywhere inside the JavaScript on this page. The second is we need to go to where we defined the scales and remove the var keyword when we assign the variable names to the scale objects:

time_scale = d3.time.scale()
    .domain([new Date(2008, 0, 1), new Date(2011, 3, 1)]);
percent_scale = d3.scale.linear()
    .range([chart_dimensions.height, 0])

This prevents them from being defined only in the scope of the draw function, making them available to our draw_timeseries function, which is now simply:

function draw_timeseries(data, id){
    var line = d3.svg.line()
        .x(function(d){return time_scale(d.time)})
        .y(function(d){return percent_scale(d.late_percent)})
    var g ="#chart")
        .attr("id", id + "_path")
        .attr("class", id.split("_")[1]);
        .attr("d", line(data));

Note that there’s a seemingly unnecessary SVG group element in there. This has been dropped in for the example in the next section, where we shall add in some transitions. For now, though, we have a fully functional interactive visualization! When the user clicks on a key_line, they will now get to see the wait assessment over 2009 and 2010 corresponding to that subway line. Figure 4-2 shows the result of clicking on the 4, 5, and 6 lines—something happened in January of 2011 that caused a sharp drop in the punctuality of these lines!

Wait assessment for the 4, 5, and 6 subway lines

Figure 4-2. Wait assessment for the 4, 5, and 6 subway lines

Subway Wait Assessment UI II—Transitions

We have now made a user interface that is serviceable—it provides a basic way for a user to explore the MTA Subway Wait Assessment data. However, we can introduce a richer level of interaction by using a few basic animations, known as “transitions” in D3. Transitions work by changing properties of the web page element, typically by transitioning between one set of properties to another in a smooth manner.

We can use transitions to highlight important aspects of our data, especially when time is involved, to advertise the fact that something should be clicked on, to keep track of constant elements in the visualization[2], or to just be downright flashy. In practice we should stick exclusively to the first three uses, though in this section we will let ourselves get ever so slightly carried away and make something a little cheesy.

A Simple Interactive Transition

A useful interaction for someone who needs to find out individual values is to provide a small label when the user mouseovers the data point. So let’s start by throwing in some circles for each data point. Inside the draw_timeseries function, after we’ve added in the path, we can easily throw in some circles:

    .attr("cx", function(d) {return time_scale(d.time)})
    .attr("cy", function(d) {return percent_scale(d.late_percent)})

The first transition we will build is a simple mouseover transition, that will grow the circle a bit to give the user some visual feedback as to the fact that the graph is interactive. The code is nice and straightforward, transitions being one of D3’s strengths:

    .on("mouseover", function(d){
    .on("mouseout", function(d){

The transition method smoothly interpolates between the initial condition of an attribute to the value specified after the transition. So in our case, during the mouseover we transition from a radius of 5px to a radius of 9px. On mouseout we transition back down to 5px.

Adding Mouseover Labels

Let’s add a tool tip-style label for the data point so the user can get a more accurate reading by inspection. We shall simply have the tool tip appear on mouseover:

    .on("mouseover.tooltip", function(d){"text#" + d.line_id).remove();"#chart")
            .text(d.late_percent + "%")
            .attr("x", time_scale(d.time) + 10)
            .attr("y", percent_scale(d.late_percent) - 10)
            .attr("id", d.line_id);

Nothing terribly new here: we append an SVG text element just up and to the right of the circle and set the id of the text to the line_id. The one odd-looking line here is first line in the mouseover callback; before we add a new tool tip, we remove any tool tips that already exist on that line. This is good practice if we know we only ever want one tool tip on at a time, and also corrects any corner-case interaction bugs that can occur if the transition below is interrupted.

On mouseout we shall fade the label out and, because it is so easy to get carried away with transitions, we shall transform the position of the label up and to the right a bit, giving the label fade a bit of drama:

    .on("mouseout.tooltip", function(d){"text." + d.line_id)
            .attr("transform","translate(10, -10)")

Here we transition to 0 opacity, transition from translate(0,0) to translate(10,-10) and then, at the end of the transition, remove the element from the page. Note that here the duration of the transition is set explicitly to 500ms. This gives the transition ever so slightly more time to perform the interpolation than the default of 250ms. These two transitions occur at the same time as each other, and over the same 500ms period. We end up with a time series with responsive, informative data points, shown in Figure 4-3.


The .remove() method works a little differently on a transition. When called on a selection, remove immediately removes the element. When called on a transition, the .remove() method runs only at the end of the transition.

A simple mouseover, with responsive data points and tool tip-style labels

Figure 4-3. A simple mouseover, with responsive data points and tool tip-style labels

An Entry Animation Using Delays

It’s often useful to highlight the fact that something is interactive, which is often simply drawing the users attention to it. To do this, we’re going to introduce the circles, one after the other, in a quick animation when the user chooses a line. It would be easy to go overboard with this animation, though here that’s left as an exercise for the reader.

Before we do anything, we need to alter the appending code above in A Simple Interactive Transition. Instead of adding circles with a radius of 5, we add them in with a radius of 0px, so they can’t be seen. We then immediately run:

var enter_duration = 1000;
    .delay(function(d, i) { return i / data.length * enter_duration; })
    .attr("r", 5);

Here the .delay() method is used to delay the transition by the number of specified milliseconds. This code generates a per-element delay that increases as the index into the set of circles increases. The index starts at zero, meaning that the first circle appears immediately. The second circle starts with index one so, because we have 26 elements, the delay is 1/26th of a second, the third circle starts after 2/26ths of a second and so on. As our data comes ordered by time, setting the delay to be per-item in this manner gives the impression that the circles appear quickly one by one over the course of a second. A screen capture of this animation is shown in Figure 4-4.

Some point during the entry transition

Figure 4-4. Some point during the entry transition

Adding Line Labels

The last thing we shall add to this UI before styling it is to put a label at the end of the line. We’d like to do this after the circles have appeared along the length of the line. We shall use the final circle to give the line a label by making it a little bigger than the others and adding some text indicating which line it is. After we style this it will look like the MTA subway symbol!

In order to draw this after the entry animation, we need to use the .each() method at the end of the entry transition. So, here’s the entry animation again except this time we call some more code that will take place after the transition has completed:

    .delay(function(d, i) { return i / data.length * enter_duration; })
    .attr("r", 5)
        if (i === data.length-1){

The .each() method is called for each element in the transition, and takes as its first argument either "start" or "end". If "start" is specified the callback in the second argument will be fired at the start of the transition. If "end" is specified the callback will be triggered once the transition has completed. This is commonly used to chain together animation events.

The callback first checks to see if the current element is the final circle in the array. If it is, the function below is called, which makes that circle a bit bigger and fades in the label:

function add_label(circle, d){
        .attr("r", 9);
        .attr("x", time_scale(d.time))
        .attr("y", percent_scale(d.late_percent))
        .attr("dy", "0.35em")
        .style("opacity", 0)
        .style("fill", "white")
            .style("opacity", 1);


The .attr("dy", "0.35em") serves to vertically center the SVG text in the line label. It’s a bit magical, but is better supported than the dominant-baseline style.

This gives us some nice line labels, shown in Figure 4-5. They appear after the circles have populated the line, and they fade in nicely. Finally, we need to tell the browser to not shrink the circles on mouseout, using:

    .on("mouseout", function(d,i){
        if (i !== data.length-1) {
  "r", 5);
Time series showing subway line labels

Figure 4-5. Time series showing subway line labels


We can’t, in good conscience, leave the graph as it is. Stylewise it’s still a disaster, and we can make it so much nicer without much effort. First, we have train_colours.css, which contains all the official MTA subway colors, using rules like:

.Line_1, .Line_2, .Line_3{

Hopefully you noticed that we set each line’s group class, and each key_square’s class, to be compatible with stylesheet so simply by including it we get a marked improvement in the look of the UI. A final touch of CSS finishes off this example:

.timeseries path{
.timeseries circle{
    stroke: white;
.timeseries text{
    fill: white;
    stroke: none;
    font-weight: bold;

This produces the screenshot in Figure 4-6, allowing us to investigate the wait assessment of each subway over time.

An example screenshot of the colored Subway Wait Assessment UI

Figure 4-6. An example screenshot of the colored Subway Wait Assessment UI

[1] Ben Shneiderman. A Thousand Fold Increase in Human Capabilities. Educom Review, 32, 6 (Nov/Dec 1997), 4-10.

[2] See for more on constancy.

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