Displaying the model

In the previous section, we saw how to access the database using the model as an abstraction. Now, we shall try to link it with a model for display. Using the code listing from the previous section, modify main.cpp to appear as follows:

#include <QApplication>#include <QtSql>#include <QVBoxLayout>#include <QPushButton>#include <QDebug>#include <Qt>#include <QTableView>#include <QHeaderView>int main(int argc, char *argv[]){   QApplication app(argc, argv);   // Setup db connection   QSqlDatabase db_conn =           QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL", "contact_db");   db_conn.setHostName("");   db_conn.setDatabaseName("contact_db");   db_conn.setUserName("root");   db_conn.setPassword("");   db_conn.setPort(3306);   // Error checks   if (!db_conn.open()) ...

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