

ABZ Inc.

administrative and support function applications, 76

attributes, 77

benefits, 8384

corporate level applications, 77, 78

decision support systems, 76

four-step PPM methodology, 77

management information systems (MISs), 76

mission-critical business applications, 76

need-specific applications, 78, 79

operational applications, 79

PPM problems, 82

strategic applications, 79

tactical applications, 79

technologies, 81

Account manager, 42

American Depository Receipts (ADRs), 134

Application clouds, 116117

Application development, maintenance, and support (ADMS) services, 52, 53

AppLogics, 16


Bill of material (BOM), 242

Break-even point (BEP), 149150

Budget and budgetary control, 150151

Business analytics (BA)

cautions, 182

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