Where and When the Ads Show

You can choose to show your ads to the entire world or limit their exposure by country, region, state, and even city. You can (for example) let them run 24/7 or turn them off nights and weekends. You also get to choose from AdWords' three tiers of exposure, described in the following sections.

Google results

When someone searches for a particular keyword, your ad displays on the Google results page if you've selected that keyword (or a close variation) as a trigger for your ad. For the ad shown in Figure 1-1, if someone enters barefoot running in Google, he can view the ad somewhere on the top or right of the results page (see Figure 1-2).

Figure 1-2: AdWords results are labeled Ads at the top and right.


Search partners results

Your ads can also appear on Google's search partners' network. Companies such as AOL and EarthLink incorporate Google's results into their search pages, as in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3: AdWords ads shown by AOL, a Google search partner.


A partial list of Google search partners includes

AdSense sites and Gmail

Additionally, hundreds of thousands of websites show AdWords ads on their pages as ...

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