Chapter 12. Google Cloud Networking

Google Cloud networking provides a robust set of services to manage networking functionality in the cloud, from securing resources to providing global load balancing to your applications. This chapter covers concepts that users require to get started with Google Cloud networking, including securing your virtual machines, automating deployments of networking resources, and protecting your projects from data exfiltration. Google Cloud networking can be a book in itself; here we provide you with concepts that are often asked by new Google Cloud users.

All code samples for this chapter are in this book’s GitHub repository. You can follow along and copy the code for each recipe by going to the folder with that recipe’s number.

You will need to make sure you have met the prerequisites before running through the recipes:

  1. Signed up for a Google Cloud account, as described in Chapter 1.

  2. Created a Google Cloud project, as described in Chapter 1.

  3. Installed and configured gcloud, as described in Chapter 1.

12.1 Creating a Custom Mode VPC Network


You want to create a virtual version of a physical network in Google Cloud, with custom-defined subnet ranges.


Create a virtual private cloud (VPC) network in Google Cloud that will allow you to create a virtual network as a global resource and then define the required subnets.

  1. In the Google Cloud Console, go to NETWORKS > VPC networking > VPC networks.

  2. Click Create VPC Network.

  3. Enter a name ...

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