Chapter 20

Practice Exam 3

You’re doing great — now for another. The idea is that on exam day, there’s nothing you’re not expecting, and that comes from practice. Remember to revisit any rough topics in Chapters 4 thru 13.

Like the others in this book, this exam consists of two 30-minute essays, two 30-minute Verbal Reasoning sections (20 questions each), and two 35-minute Quantitative Reasoning sections (20 questions each).

Remember the rules: Take this practice test under normal exam conditions and approach it as you would the real GRE:

  • Work when you won’t be interrupted.
  • Use scratch paper that’s free of any prepared notes.
  • Answer as many questions as time allows. Guess on the remaining questions.
  • Set a timer for each section.
  • Don’t leave your desk while the clock is running on any section.
  • Take a one-minute break after each section and the optional ten-minute break after the first Verbal section.
  • Type the essays. Use a simple text editor, such as Notepad.

Then go to Chapter 21 to check your answers, and review the explanations for all the questions, not just the ones you miss.

Answer Sheet for Practice Exam 3

Tabular representation of answer sheet for Practice Exam 2 with Sections 1 and 3: Verbal reasoning; Sections 2 and 4: Quantitative reasoning.

Analytical Writing 1: Analyze an Issue

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