Use a graphical interface to construct HCalendar event markup.
HCalendar is an emerging microformat for displaying event information in XHTML. An HCalendar event can be displayed as is in any web page; the raw data itself is already valid XHTML (and HTML). But the data is structured enough that it can be processed by scripts without any complicated heuristics or loss of data.
Learn more about microformats at
This hack adds a complete HCalendar interface for entering event information in web forms.
This user script runs on all pages. You can change the @include
parameter to run only on HCalendar-aware scheduling sites. It adds a link before each <textarea>
element to show the HCalendar interface. When you click the hCal link, it replaces the <textarea>
with a subform that contains all the common HCalendar fields, such as the event summary, start and end times, and a URL for more information. Once you submit the HCalendar form, the script constructs the HCalendar markup for you and inserts it into the original <textarea>
Save the following user script as magic-hcalendar.user.js:
// ==UserScript== // @name Magic hCalendar Microformatter // @namespace // @description Enhances text areas with hCalendar microformat tools // @include * // ==/UserScript== // based on code by Les Orchard // and included here with his gracious permission function HCalendarCreator(editor_id, callback) { this.editor_id = editor_id; this.callback = callback; } HCalendarCreator.prototype = { init: function() { // Get the editor and the form. this.editor = document.getElementById(this.editor_id); this.frm = this.editor.getElementsByTagName("form")[0]; // Wire up the build & insert button with the callback. var _this = this; this.frm.elements.namedItem('build').addEventListener( 'click', function(event) { var resultstr = _this.buildContent(); if (_this.frm.elements.namedItem('compact').checked) { var regex = /\n/gi; var temp = resultstr.replace(regex,' '); resultstr = temp.replace(/\s{2,}/gi,' '); } _this.callback(resultstr); _this.reset(); event.preventDefault(); return false; }, true); //this.wireUpEvents(); }, valueOf: function(name) { return this.frm.elements.namedItem(name).value; }, // Currently un-used, but kept around in case I want to // re-enable live preview. wireUpEvents: function() { var output_div = this.getByClass(this.editor, "output")[0]; var p_block_div = this.getByClass(this.editor, "previewblock")[0]; this.sample_field = this.getByClass(output_div, "samplecode")[0]; this.compact_field = this.getByClass(output_div, "compactcode")[0]; this.preview_div = this.getByClass(p_block_div, "preview")[0]; // Build some closure functions for GUI events. var _this = this; var doReset = function(event) { _this.reset(); event.preventDefault(); }; var doUpdateContent = function(event) { _this.updateContent(); event.preventDefault(); }; var doUpdate = function(event) { _this.update(); event.preventDefault(); }; var doUpdateEndTime = function(event) { _this.update_endtime(); event.preventDefault(); }; this.frm.addEventListener('reset', doReset, true); this.frm.addEventListener('submit', doUpdateContent, true); var inputs = this.editor.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { inputs[i].addEventListener('click', doUpdateContent, true); inputs[i].addEventListener('keyup', doUpdateContent, true); } var selects = this.editor.getElementsByTagName('select'); for (var i = 0; i < selects.length; i++) { selects[i].addEventListener('click', doUpdateContent, true); selects[i].addEventListener('keyup', doUpdateContent, true); } this.frm.elements.namedItem('description').addEventListener( 'keyup', doUpdateContent, true); this.frm.elements.namedItem('startYear').addEventListener( 'change', doUpdate, true); this.frm.elements.namedItem('startMonth').addEventListener( 'change', doUpdate, true); this.frm.elements.namedItem('startDay').addEventListener( 'change', doUpdate, true); this.frm.elements.namedItem('endHour').addEventListener( 'change', doUpdateEndTime, true); this.frm.elements.namedItem('endMinute').addEventListener( 'change', doUpdateEndTime, true); this.reset(); }, getByClass: function(parent, cls) { var i, c; var cs = parent.childNodes; var rv = []; for (i=0; i<cs.length; i++) if (cs[i].className && cs[i].className == cls) rv[rv.length] = cs[i]; return rv; }, getSelectedValue: function(name) { var elmSelect = this.valueOf(name); return elmSelect.options[elmSelect.selectedIndex].text; }, buildContent: function() { // Enforce proper values for the start/end times. if (this.valueOf('startHour') > 23) { this.frm.elements.namedItem('startHour').value = 23; } if (this.valueOf('startHour') < 0) { this.frm.elements.namedItem('startHour').value = 0; } if (this.valueOf('endHour') > 23) { this.frm.elements.namedItem('endHour').value = 23; } if (this.valueOf('startHour') < 0) { this.frm.elements.namedItem('startHour').value = 0; } if (this.valueOf('startMinute') > 59) { this.frm.elements.namedItem('startMinute').value=59; } if (this.valueOf('startHour') < 0) { this.frm.elements.namedItem('startHour').value = 0; } if (this.valueOf('endMinute') > 59 ) { this.frm.elements.namedItem('endMinute').value = 59; } if (this.valueOf('startHour') < 0) { this.frm.elements.namedItem('startHour').value = 0; } /* get values of text fields */ var summary = this.valueOf('summary'); var url = this.valueOf('url'); var startYear = this.valueOf('startYear'); var startMonth = this.valueOf('startMonth'); var startDay = this.valueOf('startDay'); var startHour = this.valueOf('startHour'); var startMinute = this.valueOf('startMinute'); var endHour = this.valueOf('endHour'); var endMinute = this.valueOf('endMinute'); var endYear = this.valueOf('endYear'); var endMonth = this.valueOf('endMonth'); var endDay = this.valueOf('endDay'); var startMonthText = this.getSelectedValue('startMonth'); var startDayText = this.getSelectedValue('startDay'); var endDayText = this.getSelectedValue('endDay'); var endMonthText = this.getSelectedValue('endMonth'); var timezone = this.valueOf('timezone'); var description = this.valueOf('description'); if(!timezone) timezone = ''; if(timezone > 0) timezone = '+' + timezone; if (this.late_night()) { var late = true; } if (startMinute) startMinute = this.pad(startMinute); if (startHour) startHour = this.pad(startHour); if (endMinute) endMinute = this.pad(endMinute); if (endHour) endHour = this.pad(endHour); var dtstart = startYear + startMonth + startDay; if (startHour) { if(!startMinute) startMinute= '00'; dtstart += 'T' + startHour + startMinute + timezone; } var dtend = endYear + endMonth + endDay; if (endHour) { if(endHour.length < 2) { endHour = '0' + endHour; } if (!endMinute) endMinute = '00'; dtend += 'T' + endHour + endMinute + timezone; } var startOut = startMonthText + ' ' + startDayText; if (startYear != endYear) { startOut += ', ' + startYear; } var endOut = ''; if(!late) { if(startMonth != endMonth || startYear != endYear) { endOut += endMonthText + ' '; } if(!(startMonth == endMonth && startYear == endYear && startDay == endDay)) { endOut += endDay; } else { startOut += ', ' + startYear; } } if(startHour && startMinute) { startOut += ' - ' + startHour + ':' + startMinute; if (endOut) { var collapse = true; } } if (endHour && endMinute) { if (collapse) { endOut += ' - ' } endOut += endHour + ':' + endMinute } if(!(startMonth == endMonth && startYear == endYear && startDay == endDay)) { endOut += ', ' + endYear; } var location = this.valueOf('location'); /* set results field */ var resultstr = '<div class="vevent">\n'; if (url) { resultstr += ' <a class="url" href="' + url + '">\n'; } resultstr += ' <abbr class="dtstart" title="' + dtstart + '">\n ' + startOut + '\n <\/abbr> - \n'; if (!((startYear+startMonth+startDay==endYear+endMonth+endDay) && !endHour)) { resultstr += ' <abbr class="dtend" title="' + dtend + '">'; if (endOut) resultstr += '\n ' + endOut + '\n '; resultstr += '<\/abbr>\n'; } if (endHour && endMinute) resultstr += ' - '; resultstr += ' <span class="summary">\n ' + this.escape_output(summary) + '\n </span> '; if (location) resultstr += '- at\n <span class="location">\n '+ this.escape_output(location) + '\n ' + '<\/span>'; if (url) { resultstr += '\n </a>\n'; } if(description) resultstr+='\n <div class="description">\n '+ this.escape_output(description) + '\n </div>\n'; resultstr += '\n<\/div>'; return resultstr; }, updateContent: function() { var resultstr = this.buildContent(); this.sample_field.value = resultstr; this.preview_div.innerHTML = resultstr; var regex = /\n/gi; var temp = resultstr.replace(regex,' '); temp = temp.replace(/\s{2,}/gi,' '); this.compact_field.value = temp; }, update: function() { var startYear = this.valueOf('startYear'); var startMonth = this.valueOf('startMonth'); var startDay = this.valueOf('startDay'); var endYear = this.valueOf('endYear'); var endMonth = this.valueOf('endMonth'); var endDay = this.valueOf('endDay'); this.frm.elements.namedItem('endYear').value = this.valueOf('startYear'); this.frm.elements.namedItem('endMonth').value = this.valueOf('startMonth'); this.frm.elements.namedItem('endDay').value = this.valueOf('startDay'); }, update_endtime: function() { var startYear = this.valueOf('startYear'); var startMonth = this.valueOf('startMonth'); var startDay = this.valueOf('startDay'); var endYear = this.valueOf('endYear'); var endMonth = this.valueOf('endMonth'); var endDay = this.valueOf('endDay'); var endHour = this.valueOf('endHour'); var endMinute = this.valueOf('endMinute'); var startHour = this.valueOf('startHour'); var startMinute = this.valueOf('startMinute'); if (endHour && endMinute && startHour && startMinute && startYear == endYear && startMonth == endMonth && startDay == endDay) { var startTime = startHour + startMinute; var endTime = endHour + endMinute; if(startTime.length == 3) startTime = '0' + startTime; if (endTime.length == 3) endTime = '0' + endTime; if(endTime < startTime){ this.increment_end_date(); } } }, increment_end_date: function() { var endYear = this.valueOf('endYear'); var endMonth = this.valueOf('endMonth'); var endDay = this.valueOf('endDay'); var d = new Date(endYear, parseInt(endMonth) - 1, parseInt(endDay)); d.setDate(++endDay); this.frm.elements.namedItem('endYear').value = d.getFullYear(); this.frm.elements.namedItem('endMonth').selectedIndex = d.getMonth(); this.frm.elements.namedItem('endDay').selectedIndex = d.getDate() - 1; }, late_night: function() { //convert to date objects if(parseInt(this.valueOf('endHour')) < 6) { var endDate = new Date(this.valueOf('endYear'), this.frm.elements.namedItem('endMonth').selectedIndex, parseInt(this.valueOf('endDay'))); var startDate = new Date(this.valueOf('startYear'), this.frm.elements.namedItem('startMonth').selectedIndex, parseInt(this.valueOf('startDay'))); //increment and test startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + 1); if(startDate.getYear() == endDate.getYear() && startDate.getMonth() == endDate.getMonth() && startDate.getDay() == endDate.getDay()) { return true; } } return false; }, escape_output: function(input){ // this is not the most robust solution, // but it should cover most cases var amp = /\s&\s/gi; var lt = /\s\<\s/gi; var gt = /\s>\s/gi; var temp = input.replace(amp,' & '); temp = temp.replace(lt,' < '); var output = temp.replace(gt,' > '); return output; }, reset: function() { var d = new Date(); this.frm.elements.namedItem('startYear').value = d.getFullYear(); this.frm.elements.namedItem('startMonth').selectedIndex = d. getMonth(); this.frm.elements.namedItem('startDay').value = d.getDate(); this.frm.elements.namedItem('endYear').value = d.getFullYear(); this.frm.elements.namedItem('endMonth').selectedIndex = d.getMonth( ); this.frm.elements.namedItem('endDay').value = d.getDate(); var timezone = d.getTimezoneOffset(); timezone = -timezone / 60; timezone = timezone + "00"; if(timezone.length == 4) timezone = timezone.charAt(0) + "0" + timezone.substring(1); if (parseInt(timezone) > 0) { timezone = "+" + timezone; } this.frm.elements.namedItem('timezone').value = timezone; this.updateContent(); }, pad: function(input) { if (input.length < 2) input = '0' + input.toString(); return input; }, GLOBAL_CSS: '\ .hCalEditor .inputs { \ float:left; margin-right:2em \ } \ .hCalEditor label { \ float:left; \ clear:left; \ text-align:right; \ width:5em; \ padding-right:1em; \ font-weight:bold; \ line-height:1.9em \ } \ .hCalEditor .field \ { margin-bottom:.7em; font-size:smaller } \ .hCalEditor .field input \ { width: 16em; line-height:2em } \ .hCalEditor .submit \ { margin:1em 0 1em 7em } \ .hCalEditor .submit button, .hCalEditor .submit input \ { margin-left:1em } \ .hCalEditor form, .hCalEditor fieldset \ { margin:0 } \ .hCalEditor h2 \ { margin:.3em 0 .1em 0; font-size:1em } \ .hCalEditor .output \ { float:left } \ .hCalEditor .previewblock \ {clear:left} \ .hCalEditor .preview { \ padding:.5em; background:#ccc; \ border:1px solid black; margin-right:2em \ } \ .hCalEditor .field .startHour \ { width: 41px; } \ .hCalEditor .field .summary, \ .hCalEditor .field .location, \ .hCalEditor .field .url \ { width:21em } \ .hCalEditor .field .startHour, \ .hCalEditor .field .startMinute, \ .hCalEditor .field .endHour, \ .hCalEditor .field .endMinute \ {width:2em} \ .hCalEditor .field .timezone \ {width:10em} \ ', EDITOR_HTML: '\ <div id="\0editor_id\f" class="hCalEditor"> \ <div class="inputs"> \ <form action="" onreset="doreset();"> \ <fieldset> \ <legend><a href=""\ >hCalendar</a>-o-matic</legend> \ <!-- url, summary, dtstart, dtend, location --> \ <div class="field"> \ <label for="summary">summary</label> \ <input type="text" class="summary" name="summary" \ value="event title" /> \ </div> \ <div class="field"> \ <label for="location">location</label> \ <input type="text" class="location" name="location" /> \ </div> \ <div class="field"> \ <label for="url">url</label> \ <input type="text" class="url" name="url" /> \ </div> \ <div class="field"> \ <label for="startMonth">start</label> \ <select class="startMonth" name="startMonth" > \ <option value="01">January</option> \ <option value="02">February</option> \ <option value="03">March</option> \ <option value="04">April</option> \ <option value="05">May</option> \ <option value="06">June</option> \ <option value="07">July</option> \ <option value="08">August</option> \ <option value="09">September</option> \ <option value="10">October</option> \ <option value="11">November</option> \ <option value="12">December</option> \ </select> \ <select class="startDay" name="startDay" > \ <option value="01">1</option> <option value="02">2</option> \ <option value="03">3</option> <option value="04">4</option> \ <option value="05">5</option> <option value="06">6</option> \ <option value="07">7</option> <option value="08">8</option> \ <option value="09">9</option> <option value="10">10</option> \ <option value="11">11</option><option value="12">12</option> \ <option value="13">13</option><option value="14">14</option> \ <option value="15">15</option><option value="16">16</option> \ <option value="17">17</option><option value="18">18</option> \ <option value="19">19</option><option value="20">20</option> \ <option value="21">21</option><option value="22">22</option> \ <option value="23">23</option><option value="24">24</option> \ <option value="25">25</option><option value="26">26</option> \ <option value="27">27</option><option value="28">28</option> \ <option value="29">29</option><option value="30">30</option> \ <option value="31">31</option> \ </select> \ <select class="startYear" name="startYear" > \ <option value="2004">2004</option> \ <option value="2005">2005</option> \ <option value="2006">2006</option> \ <option value="2007">2007</option> \ <option value="2008">2008</option> \ </select> \ <input type="text" class="startHour" class="startHour" \ name="startHour" maxlength="2" /> : \ <input type="text" class="startMinute" name="startMinute" \ maxlength="2" /> \ </div> \ <div class="field"> \ <label for="endMonth">end</label> \ <select class="endMonth" name="endMonth" > \ <option value="01">January</option> \ <option value="02">February</option> \ <option value="03">March</option> \ <option value="04">April</option> \ <option value="05">May</option> \ <option value="06">June</option> \ <option value="07">July</option> \ <option value="08">August</option> \ <option value="09">September</option> \ <option value="10">October</option> \ <option value="11">November</option> \ <option value="12">December</option> \ </select> \ <select class="endDay" name="endDay" > \ <option value="01">1</option> <option value="02">2</option> \ <option value="03">3</option> <option value="04">4</option> \ <option value="05">5</option> <option value="06">6</option> \ <option value="07">7</option> <option value="08">8</option> \ <option value="09">9</option> <option value="10">10</option> \ <option value="11">11</option><option value="12">12</option> \ <option value="13">13</option><option value="14">14</option> \ <option value="15">15</option><option value="16">16</option> \ <option value="17">17</option><option value="18">18</option> \ <option value="19">19</option><option value="20">20</option> \ <option value="21">21</option><option value="22">22</option> \ <option value="23">23</option><option value="24">24</option> \ <option value="25">25</option><option value="26">26</option> \ <option value="27">27</option><option value="28">28</option> \ <option value="29">29</option><option value="30">30</option> \ <option value="31">31</option> \ </select> \ <select class="endYear" name="endYear" > \ <option value="2004">2004</option> \ <option value="2005">2005</option> \ <option value="2006">2006</option> \ <option value="2007">2007</option> \ <option value="2008">2008</option> \ </select> \ <input type="text" class="endHour" name="endHour" \ maxlength="2" /> : \ <input type="text" class="endMinute" name="endMinute" maxlength="2" /> \ </div> \ <div class="field"> \ <label for="timezone">TZ</label> \ <select class="timezone" name="timezone"> \ <option value="">none</option> \ <option value="-1200">-12 (IDLW)</option> \ <option value="-1100">-11 (NT)</option> \ <option value="-1000">-10 (HST)</option> \ <option value="-900">-9 (AKST)</option> \ <option value="-0800">-8 (PST/AKDT)</option> \ <option value="-0700">-7 (MST/PDT)</option> \ <option value="-0600">-6 (CST/MDT)</option> \ <option value="-0500">-5 (EST/CDT)</option> \ <option value="-0400">-4 (AST/EDT)</option> \ <option value="-0345">-3:45</option> \ <option value="-0330">-3:30</option> \ <option value="-0300">-3 (ADT)</option> \ <option value="-0200">-2 (AT)</option> \ <option value="-0100">-1 (WAT)</option> \ <option value="Z">+0 (GMT/UTC)</option> \ <option value="+0100">+1 (CET/BST/IST/WEST)</option> \ <option value="+0200">+2 (EET/CEST)</option> \ <option value="+0300">+3 (MSK/EEST)</option> \ <option value="+0330">+3:30 (Iran)</option> \ <option value="+0400">+4 (ZP4/MSD)</option> \ <option value="+0430">+4:30 (Afghanistan)</option> \ <option value="+0500">+5 (ZP5)</option> \ <option value="+0530">+5:30 (India)</option> \ <option value="+0600">+6 (ZP6)</option> \ <option value="+0630">+6:30 (Burma)</option> \ <option value="+0700">+7 (WAST)</option> \ <option value="+0800">+8 (WST)</option> \ <option value="+0900">+9 (JST)</option> \ <option value="+0930">+9:30 (Central Australia)</option> \ <option value="+1000">+10 (AEST)</option> \ <option value="+1100">+11 (AEST(summer))</option> \ <option value="+1200">+12 (NZST/IDLE)</option> \ </select> \ hour(s) from <abbr title="Greenwich Mean time">GMT</abbr> \ </div> \ <div class="field"> \ <label for="description">description</label> \ <textarea class="description" name="description" cols="33" \ rows="5"></textarea> \ </div> \ <div class="submit"> \ <input type="checkbox" name="compact" value="compact" /> \ Compact? \ <input type="button" name="build" value="Build and Insert" /> \ <input type="reset" class="reset" name="reset" /> \ </div> \ </fieldset> \ </form> \ </div> \ </div> \ ', }; var MagicMF = { init: function() { var textareas, textarea; DBUtils.addGlobalStyle(MagicMF.GLOBAL_CSS); DBUtils.addGlobalStyle(HCalendarCreator.prototype.GLOBAL_CSS); textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea'); if (!textareas.length) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < textareas.length; i++) { textarea = textareas[i]; button = MagicMF.createButton (i, textarea, MagicMF.handleMagicButton, "Build event here", 0, 0, ''); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(button, textarea); textarea.parentNode.insertBefore( document.createElement('br'), textarea); } }, insertText: function(ele, ins_val) { // Find the start/end of the selection, and the total length var start = ele.selectionStart; var end = ele.selectionEnd; var length = ele.textLength; var val = ele.value; // If nothing selected, jump to the end. if (end == 1 || end == 2) end = length; // Replace the selection with the incoming value. ele.value = val.substring(0, start) + ins_val + val.substr(end, length); // Place the cursor at the end of the inserted text & refocus the // textarea //e.selectionStart = start; ele.selectionStart = start + ins_val.length; ele.selectionEnd = start + ins_val.length; ele.focus(); }, handleMagicButton: function(event, textarea) { var link, textarea, s; link = event.currentTarget; button_id =; var panel_id = button_id + "_panel"; var panel = document.getElementById(panel_id); if (!panel) panel = MagicMF.createPanel(button_id, panel_id, textarea); panel._start = textarea.selectionStart; panel._end = textarea.selectionEnd; DBUtils.toggle(panel_id); }, createPanel: function(button_id, panel_id, textarea) { var taX = DBUtils.findElementX(textarea); var taY = DBUtils.findElementY(textarea); var taW = textarea.offsetWidth; var taH = textarea.offsetHeight; var txt_id = panel_id + "_txt"; var editor_id = panel_id + "_editor"; var css = DBUtils.format(MagicMF.PANEL_CSS, { id: panel_id, txt_id: txt_id, left: taX, top: taY, width: taW - 24, height: taH - 24, }); DBUtils.addGlobalStyle(css); var _this = this; var panel = document.createElement("div"); var cb = function(val) { _this.panelCallback(panel, val, textarea); } var editor = new HCalendarCreator(editor_id, cb); var editor_html = DBUtils.format(editor.EDITOR_HTML, { editor_id: editor_id }); = panel_id; panel.innerHTML = DBUtils.format(MagicMF.PANEL_HTML, { id: panel_id, txt_id: txt_id, editor_html: editor_html }); document.body.appendChild(panel); editor.init(); return panel; }, panelCallback: function(panel, val, textarea) { MagicMF.insertText(textarea, val); DBUtils.hide(; }, createButton: function(sub_id, target, func, title, width, height, src) { var img, button; img = document.createTextNode("[ hCal ]"); button = document.createElement('a'); = 'mf_'+sub_id; button.title = title; button.href = '#'; button.addEventListener('click', function(event) { func(event, target); event.preventDefault(); }, true); var spot = document.createElement('a'); =; button.appendChild(spot); button.appendChild(img); return button; }, GLOBAL_CSS: '\ .mf_editor_close { \ float: right \ } \ ', PANEL_CSS: ' \ #\0id\f { \ position: absolute; \ display: none; \ overflow: auto; \ margin: 2px; \ padding: 10px; \ left: \0left\fpx; \ top: \0top\fpx; \ width: \0width\fpx; \ height: \0height\fpx; \ color: #000000; \ z-index: 999; \ background-color: #eeeeee; \ } \ ', PANEL_HTML: '\ <a class="mf_editor_close" \ onClick="DBUtils.hide(\'\0id\f\')">[ X ]</a> \ \0editor_html\f \ ', }; var DBUtils = { /* format(template string, template map): Populates a template string using map lookups via named slots delimited by \0 and \f. */ format: function(tmpl, tmpl_map) { var parts = tmpl.split(/(\0.*?\f)/); var i, p, m, out=""; for (i=0; i<parts.length; i++) { p = parts[i]; m = p.match(/^\0(.*?)\f$/); out += (!m) ? p : tmpl_map[m[1]]; } return out; }, hide: function(id) { var that = document.getElementById(id); if (that) = 'none'; }, show: function(id) { var that = document.getElementById(id); if (that) = 'block'; }, toggle: function(id) { var that = document.getElementById(id); if (!that) return; = ( == 'block') ? 'none' : 'block'; }, // from findElementX: function(obj) { var curleft = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.x) curleft += obj.x; return curleft; }, findElementY: function(obj) { var curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curtop += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.y) curtop += obj.y; return curtop; }, addGlobalStyle: function(css) { var head, style; head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!head) { return; } style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.innerHTML = css; head.appendChild(style); }, }; // Now that everything's defined, fire it up. MagicMF.init();
After installing the user script (Tools → Install This User Script), go to The script adds the hCal link above the <textarea>
Since this hack adds its interface to text areas, you can combine it with "Resize Text Input Fields with the Keyboard"
[Hack #34]
to increase the size of the <textarea>
Click the hCal link to display the HCalendar interface, as shown in Figure 4-14.
Fill in the event information, click the Build and Insert button, and the script will convert the information into HCalendar markup, as shown in Figure 4-15.
Is this hack useful? Not yet, because few sites support the emerging HCalendar standard. (Two that do are and But it serves as a powerful demonstration of how far Greasemonkey can go to change the user experience—in this case, from a single <textarea>
to an entire graphical interface optimized for a specific microformat.
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