
Note: Page numbers followed by “fn” indicate footnotes.


AA-trees, 157

AABB-trees, 256, 893

AABB, see Axis-aligned bounding box

ABIT, see Alternative BIT structure

Abstract data types (ADT), 77, 79, 117, 197, 595, 653, 655

(a, b)-trees, 166167

Accept nodes, 477

Access functions, 279, 282

Access operations, 182183

Accessors, 681682

Access structure, 260

Accounting method, 14

maintenance contract, 1516

McWidget company, 1718

subset generation, 19

ACID semantics, see Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability semantics

Ackermann’s function, 538, 1014

functional inverse of, 95

inverse, 322

Active pair, 225

Active vertex, 190

Actual complexity, 14

Acyclic digraphs, 58

Acyclic graph, 53

Adaptive merging algorithm, 176177

Adaptive multidimensional ...

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