Hash Tables*

Pat Morin

Carleton University

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Hash Tables for Integer Keys

Hashing by DivisionHashing by MultiplicationUniversal HashingStatic Perfect HashingDynamic Perfect Hashing

9.3 Random Probing

Hashing with ChainingHashing with Open AddressingLinear ProbingQuadratic ProbingDouble HashingBrent’s MethodMultiple-Choice HashingAsymmetric HashingLCFS HashingRobin-Hood HashingCuckoo Hashing

9.4 Historical Notes

9.5 Other Developments




A set abstract data type (set ADT) is an abstract data type that maintains a set S under the following three operations:

1.INSERT(x): Add the key x to the set.

2.DELETE(x): Remove the key x from the set.

3.SEARCH(x): Determine if ...

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