Saar, G., 81, 83, 86n13, 87, 91
Sáez, L., 467n
Safety and soundness, 348–371
Saidenberg, M. R., 125, 379
Saita, L., 419
Salop, S., 475, 477
Samolyk. K. A., 120
Sandás, P., 72, 78, 81, 89, 92
Sanders, A. B., 45n8, 46, 48, 53, 118
Sannikov, Y., 29
Santomero, A. M., 136, 330, 379n2
Santos, J., 165n
Santos, J. A. C., 113, 518, 530
Sapienza, P., 119, 504, 533, 536
Sapp, S., 82, 93
Sapp, T., 274
Saunders, A., 119, 120, 166, 169, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184, 328, 419, 532, 534
Saurina, J., 419
Scale economy, 99, 138, 142, 153–157, 488, 491–492, 492n
Scale efficiency, 490, 491
Scalise, J. M., 310n, 311n, 318, 331
Schadt, R. W., 212, 218n10, 237, 247
Scharfstein, D. S., 13, 34, 35, 102, 293, ...

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