Michael Erler/Christian Tornau

Einleitung: Was ist antike Rhetorik?

Abstract: This introduction sketches the historical development of ancient oratory and rhetoric, makes some essential points on the relationship of rhetoric and philosophy in antiquity and gives an overview of the content of the present volume.

Stichwörter: Geschichte der Rhetorik, Persuasion, Redetheorie, Rednerideal, Rhetorik-Kritik, Philosophie, Platon, Aristoteles, Cicero, Quintilian

Keywords: history of rhetoric, persuasion, rhetorical theory, ideal orator, criticism of rhetoric, philosophy, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian

Gliederung: 1 Vorbemerkung2 Praktische Beredsamkeit in Griechenland und Rom: Situationen und Institutionen3 Die Entwicklung der theoretischen ...

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