Roderich Kirchner
20Regeln für die Produktion einer Rede
Abstract: The rhetoric of antiquity develops a flexible system of rules concerning the production of speeches. In his treatise De oratore (“On the Orator”), Cicero describes both the wider structures of that system and its great variety of single precepts. Reading this dialogue, one can recognize, that the purpose of all the rules and precepts is their usability for the practical orator as well as for teachers and students of rhetoric. Examples taken from Cicero’s speeches discuss the conjunction between form (verba) and content (res).
Stichwörter/Keywords: Cicero, De oratore, inventio, dispositio, elocutio, memoria, actio, ornatus, perspicuitas, aptum
Gliederung: 1 Der Blick in die Werkstatt ...
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