Appendix A. ASP.NET Core Blazor projects: Visual Studio for Mac Learner’s Guide


Your Mac is a first-class citizen of the C# and .NET world.

We wrote Head First C# with our Mac readers in mind, and that’s why we created this special learner’s guide just for you. Most projects in this book are .NET Core console apps, which work on both Windows and Mac. Some chapters have a project built with a technology used for desktop Windows apps. This learner’s guide has replacements for all of those projects—including a complete replacement for Chapter 1—that use C# to create Blazor WebAssembly apps that run in your browser and are equivalent to the Windows apps. You’ll do it all with Visual Studio for Mac, a great tool for writing code and a valuable learning tool for exploring C#. Let’s dive right in and get coding!

Why you should learn C#

C# is a simple, modern language that lets you do incredible things. When you learn C#, you’re learning more than just a language. C# unlocks the whole world of .NET, an incredibly powerful open-source platform for building all sorts of applications.

Visual Studio is your gateway to C#

If you haven’t installed Visual Studio 2019 yet, this is the time to do it.

Go to and download Visual Studio for Mac. (If it’s already installed, run the Visual Studio for Mac Installer to update your installed options.)

Install .NET ...

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