Subject Index

Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, b indicate boxes and t indicate tables.


Advanced vector extensions (AVX) xlii, 145
Amdahl’s law validation 64, 65f
Arithmetic complexity 176
Arithmetic intensity (AI) 
kernel 380
test platforms 379–380
Array-of-structures (AoS) 
data layout 150–151
transpose process 151–154
Artificial neural network (ANN) 
architecture 134, 135f
C language version 136
objective function 130
recursive 142
scaling and runtime behavior 136–137, 139–140, 141
Asian options pricing 425–426
Auto-tuning tool 392–393


Baffin Bay test case 51, 51f
algorithm 51–52, 53f
column length distribution 52f
Ballistic simulation 118
Bandwidth 399
bound 410, 459, 465, 474
buffer data transfer 345–346 ...

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