Hack #99. Remotely Scheduling a Recording
With the TiVo Home Media Option, remotely scheduling a recording is as easy as going to http://www.tivo.com and making your selection.
Scheduling a recording via the Home Media Option (HMO) is supposed to be pretty simple, and indeed it is.
Before you can use TiVo's HMO to administer your TiVo Series 2 remotely, you'll need to log in to TiVo Central Online at http://www.tivo.com/tco. You'll be prompted (see Figure 12-2) for the email address and password that you used when you signed up for the HMO.
After successfully logging in, you're presented with a page for scheduling a recording (see Figure 12-3). First, choose which TiVo you want to record on; assuming you're fortunate enough to own more than one, there will be multiple choices.
Figure 12-2. Logging in to TiVo Central Online
Figure 12-3. Scheduling a recording through TiVo Central Online
In much the same manner as TiVo itself, you can Search TV Listings for a particular show by title, title/description, or actor/director; or, you can Browse by Channel for a gander at what's on TV over the next couple of days.
Advanced Search (shown in Figure 12-4) is reminiscent of the Advanced Wishlists. If you choose that interface, you can set up "and" relationships in the search you want to make. Name ...
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