Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JITTFs), 186–188, 191, 307, 546
Journal of Law and Economics, 121
JRA (Japanese Red Army), 282, 284
JRIES (Joint Regional Information Exchange System), 199
JUA (Jamiat ul-Ansar), 578
JUD (Jamaat-ud-Dawa), 580
Judiciary Act of 1789, 213
Jundallah, 569–570
Kadir, Abdul, 543
Kahane Chai, 585–586
Kamikaze pilots, 339
Kashmiri, Ilyas, 546
Kata’ib Hizballah (KH), 575–576
Kelly, Raymond W., 181
Kenya embassy bombing (1998), 38
Kerr, Paul K., 523–524
KH (Kata’ib Hizballah), 575–576
Khalil, Fazlur Rehman, 578
Khameini, Ali, 574
Khan, A. Q., 361
Khan, Masoud, 539
Khan, Raja Lahrasib, 546
Khobar Towers bombing (1996), 300
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 296, 574, 595
Kidnappings, 261 ...
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