
Action plans, 31

Administration, 76

Attitudes, 5

Attributes, 22

    relative importance of, 11–13

Attribute trees, 17, 96

    how to build, 16

    and relative importance of, 11–12


Benchmarking of CVA, 49


    price vs., 100

    sub-attributes of, 102

Brand, 15

    of urea value map, 100

Brand equity, 123

Business-to-Business (B2B), 4

Business-to-Customer (B2C), 4


Chief customer officer, 124

Chief Customer Value Creator (CVCO), 114–115

Chief Employee Value Creator, 97

Chief Operating Officer (COO), 114–115

Chief Value Creator, 114–115

Choices, 107

Circle of Promises, 66, 86

Co-create values, 108


    brand, 15

    definition of, 1

    differentiation of, 64

    image, 41, 42

    involvement, 66

Competitive profile,

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