

access, scanning for unauthorized, 279–282
accessing information using AppCmd.exe, 141–151, 167
Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI), 14, 54
ADD function (SQL), 312
native modules to IIS 7.0, 76–82
tracing to modules, 236
Appcmd utility, 25
withAppCmd.exe, 141–151
delegation features, 19–21
enabling delegated, in IIS 7.0, 113–122, 124
FREB (Failed Request Tracing), 26–27
IIS 6.0 review, 13–15
IIS Manager. See IIS Manager
of managed code, 156–166
MWA (Microsoft.Web.Administration), 156–166
RSCA (Run State and Control API), 26
scripts used for, 14–15
administrative rights, delegation of, 19–21
ADS input format, 322–323
adsutil.vbs, 14
AdsUtil.vbs 7.0, 2
aggregate ...

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