Chapter 5

Taking the Measure of CSS


Bullet A brief overview of measuring CSS things

Bullet Understanding the CSS absolute measurements

Bullet Becoming acquainted with CSS relative measurements

Bullet Figuring out what viewport measurements are all about

Bullet How to calculate stuff with CSS

Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.


With its close ties to design, CSS feels more than a little like the artistic side of web development. And it’s certainly true that CSS offers plenty of ways to give your right-brain a good workout: colors, backgrounds, and gradients (refer to Book 3, Chapter 6); fonts, alignment, and other typographical tidbits (Book 3, Chapter 7); fancy page layouts (Book 5); and eye-popping, grin-inducing animations (Bonus Chapters 1-3, downloadable at

But CSS also has a side that’s more likely to warm the cockles of an engineer’s heart than an artist’s. This is the part of CSS where you measure things: ...

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