A Simple HTML5 Page

Now let’s look at this page in a web browser. (This would be a great time to get your tools together to start developing code.) Open your chosen text editor, and get ready to use your preferred web browser: Safari, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, or IE.

  1. In your text editor, type in the code from Example 1-1.

  2. Save the code as CH1EX1.html in a directory of your choosing.

  3. Under the File menu in Chrome, Safari, or Firefox, you should find the option Open File. Click that selection. You should then see a box to open a file. (On Windows using Chrome, you might need to press Ctrl+O to open a file.)

  4. Locate the CH1EX1.html that you just created.

  5. Click Open.

You should see something similar to Figure 1-1.

HTML Hello World!

Figure 1-1. HTML Hello World!

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