The Update/Render (Repeat) Cycle

In any of our application states, we might need to employ animation and screen updates. We will handle these updates by separating our code into distinct update() and render() operations. For example, as you might recall, the player ship can move around the game screen, and when the player presses the up arrow key, the ship’s thrust frame of animation will be displayed rather than its static frame. In the previous examples, we contained all the code that updates the properties of the ship, as well as the code that actually draws the ship, in a single function called drawScreen(). Starting with Example 8-10, we will rid ourselves of this simple drawScreen() function and instead employ update() and render() functions separately. We will also separate out the code that checks for the game-specific key presses into a checkKeys() function.

Let’s reexamine the contents of the drawScreen() function from Example 8-8, but this time, we’ll break the function up into separate functions for each set of tasks, as shown in Example 8-10.

Example 8-10. Splitting the update and render cycles

function gameStatePlayLevel() {

function checkKeys() {

   //check keys

   if (keyPressList[38]==true){
      var angleInRadians = rotation * Math.PI / 180;
      facingX = Math.cos(angleInRadians);
      facingY = Math.sin(angleInRadians);

      movingX = movingX+thrustAcceleration*facingX;
      movingY = movingY+thrustAcceleration*facingY;


   if (keyPressList[37]==true ...

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