HTML5, JavaScript, and jQuery 24-Hour Trainer

Book description

Master web app development with hands-on practice and video demonstration

HTML5, JavaScript, and jQuery 24-Hour Trainer shows you how to build real-world HTML5 apps — both web-based and mobile — in combination with JavaScript, jQuery, and CSS/CSS3. You'll learn progressively more advanced skills as you work through the series of hands-on video lessons. Exercises and screencasts walk you step-by-step through the process of building web applications, and give you the opportunity to experiment and extend the examples to create your own working web app. You'll gain a solid understanding of the fundamental technologies, and develop a skillset that fully exploits the functionality of web development tools.

Although HTML5 is at the forefront of web development, it exists within an ecosystem that also includes CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, and JavaScript libraries like jQuery. Building robust, functional web applications requires a clear understanding of these technologies, and more importantly, the manner in which they fit together. This is your step-by-step guide to building web apps, with a hands-on approach that helps you learn by doing.

  • Master the fundamentals of HTML and HTML5

  • Explore multimedia capabilities and CSS3

  • Integrate offline data storage, background processes, and other APIs

  • Adapt web applications for mobile phones and tablets

  • Whether you're looking for a quick refresher or a first-time lesson, HTML5, JavaScript, and jQuery 24-Hour Trainer will quickly get you up to speed.

  • Table of contents

    1. Introduction
      1. Who This Book Is For
      2. What This Book Covers
      3. How This Book Is Structured
      4. What You Need to Use This Book
      5. Conventions
      6. Source Code
      7. Errata
    2. Part I: HTML and CSS
      1. Lesson 1: Introduction to HTML5
        1. What Is a Markup Language?
        2. The Simplest HTML Page Possible
        3. An HTML Template
        4. Understanding Elements and Attributes
        5. Try It
      2. Lesson 2: Basic HTML
        1. Structuring Text
        2. Links and Images
        3. Try It
      3. Lesson 3: Lists and Tables
        1. Lists
        2. Tables
        3. Try It
      4. Lesson 4: Introduction to CSS
        1. CSS Selectors
        2. CSS Files and Inline Styles
        3. Specificity
        4. Inheritance
        5. Browser Defaults
        6. Chrome Scratch Pad
        7. Try It
      5. Lesson 5: Structuring Pages with CSS
        1. The Box Model
        2. Display Type
        3. Positioning Elements
        4. Controlling Positions
        5. Try It
      6. Lesson 6: HTML Forms
        1. What Is a Form?
        2. Adding Fields to a Form
        3. HTML5 Input Fields
        4. Try It
      7. Lesson 7: Semantic Tags
        1. Grouping and Segmenting Content
        2. Styling Semantic Tags with CSS
        3. Microformats
        4. Summing Up
        5. Try It
      8. Lesson 8: HTML5 Validation
        1. Adding Validation Rules
        2. Customizing Validation
        3. Disabling Validation
        4. Try It
      9. Lesson 9: Drag and Drop
        1. Understanding Events
        2. Drag and Drop Example
        3. Try It
      10. Lesson 10: Dynamic Elements
        1. Summary and Details Tags
        2. Progress Bar and Meter
        3. Range Element
        4. Polyfills
        5. Try It
    3. Part II: Dynamic HTML5 Web Applications with JavaScript and jQuery
      1. Lesson 11: JavaScript
        1. JavaScript Console
        2. Data Types
        3. Control Structures
        4. Truthy and Falsy Values
        5. Dynamic Typing
        6. Try It
      2. Lesson 12: Debugging
        1. Try It
      3. Lesson 13: Functions
        1. Closures
        2. Hoisting and Block Scope
        3. Arguments
        4. Bind
        5. Try It
      4. Lesson 14: Objects
        1. Object Literals
        2. Prototypes
        3. Constructor Functions
        4. Modules
        5. Try It
      5. Lesson 15: JSON
        1. Replacing and Reviving
        2. Try It
      6. Lesson 16: Document Object Model
        1. Nodes and Objects
        2. Try It
      7. Lesson 17: jQuery Selection
        1. Loading jQuery
        2. Selecting Elements
        3. Pseudo-selectors
        4. Selection Within a Context
        5. Wrapped Objects
        6. Try It
      8. Lesson 18: jQuery Traversal and Manipulation
        1. Traversal
        2. Chaining
        3. Manipulation
        4. Changing Elements
        5. Iteration
        6. Try It
      9. Lesson 19: jQuery Events
        1. Registering Event Listeners
        2. Delegated Event Listeners
        3. Form Events
        4. Screen Events
        5. Animation
        6. Try It
      10. Lesson 20: Data Attributes and Templates
        1. Template Tag
        2. Data Attributes
        3. Using the Template
        4. Try It
      11. Lesson 21: jQuery Plugins
        1. jQuery UI
        2. Writing a Plugin
        3. Try It
    4. Part III: HTML5 Multimedia
      1. Lesson 22: HTML5 Audio
        1. File Formats
        2. Audio Tag
        3. Controlling Playback
        4. Try It
      2. Lesson 23: HTML5 Video
        1. File Formats
        2. Controlling Volume
        3. Controlling Playback Speed
        4. Controlling Video Size
        5. Media Source Extensions
        6. Encrypted Media Extensions
        7. Web Cryptography
        8. Try It
      3. Lesson 24: Canvas: Part I
        1. Simple Drawing
        2. Drawing Lines
        3. Circles and Curves
        4. Drawing Text
        5. Try It
      4. Lesson 25: Canvas: Part II
        1. Linear Gradients
        2. Shadows
        3. Images
        4. Transforming Shapes
        5. Basic Animation
        6. Try It
      5. Lesson 26: CSS3: Part I
        1. Selectors
        2. CSS Borders
        3. Custom Fonts
        4. Try It
      6. Lesson 27: CSS3: Part II
        1. Linear Gradients
        2. Calc Function
        3. Text Effects
        4. 2D Transformations
        5. Transitions
        6. Try It
      7. Lesson 28: CSS3 Media Queries
        1. Adding Media Queries
        2. External Stylesheets
        3. Try It
    5. Part IV: HTML5 APIs
      1. Lesson 29: Web Servers
        1. URLs
        2. Choosing a Web Server
        3. Try It
      2. Lesson 30: Web Storage
        1. Client-Side Storage
        2. Web Storage API
        3. Storing Structured Data
        4. Try It
      3. Lesson 31: IndexedDB
        1. Creating a Database
        2. Storing Data
        3. Reading Data
        4. Deleting Data
        5. Try It
      4. Lesson 32: Application Cache
        1. Manifest Files
        2. Updating Resources
        3. Cache Events
        4. Try It
      5. Lesson 33: Web Workers
        1. JavaScript Event Model
        2. Web Workers
        3. Try It
      6. Lesson 34: Files
        1. FileReader API
        2. Other File-Related APIs
        3. Try It
      7. Lesson 35: AJAX
        1. AJAX Requests
        2. Try It
      8. Lesson 36: Promises
        1. Working with Promises
        2. Creating Promises
        3. Try It
    6. Part V: Mobile
      1. Lesson 37: Responsive Web Design
        1. Testing Screen Resolution
        2. Flexible Grids
        3. Media Queries
        4. Try It
      2. Lesson 38: Location API
        1. Monitor Movement
        2. Loading the Application
        3. Try It
      3. Lesson 39: jQuery Mobile: Part I
        1. Understanding jQuery Mobile
        2. JQUERY Mobile Pages
        3. Try It
      4. Lesson 40: jQuery Mobile: Part II
        1. UI Components
        2. Events
        3. Try It
    7. Copyright
    8. About the Author
    9. Credits
    10. Acknowledgments
    11. Advertisement
    12. End User License Agreement

    Product information

    • Title: HTML5, JavaScript, and jQuery 24-Hour Trainer
    • Author(s): Dane Cameron
    • Release date: February 2015
    • Publisher(s): Wrox
    • ISBN: 9781119001164