Log Formats

Several log formats have become standard, and we’ll discuss some of the most common formats in this section. Most commercial and open source HTTP applications support logging in one or more of these common formats. Many of these applications also support the ability of administrators to configure log formats and create their own custom formats.

One of the main benefits of supporting (for applications) and using (for administrators) these more standard formats rests in the ability to leverage the tools that have been built to process and generate basic statistics from these logs. Many open source and commercial packages exist to crunch logs for reporting purposes, and by utilizing standard formats, applications and their administrators can plug into these resources.

Common Log Format

One of the most common log formats in use today is called, appropriately, the Common Log Format. Originally defined by NCSA, many servers use this log format as a default. Most commercial and open source servers can be configured to use this format, and many commercial and freeware tools exist to help parse common log files. Table 21-1 lists, in order, the fields of the Common Log Format.

Table 21-1. Common Log Format fields




The hostname or IP address of the requestor’s machine (IP if the server was not configured to perform reverse DNS or cannot look up the requestor’s hostname)


If an ident lookup was performed, the requestor’s authenticated username ...

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