Abnormal Situation Management Consortium, 180
Absolute probability judgment (APJ), 190
Accident investigation, 249–257
BP texas city CSB investigation, 256–257
considering human factors in, 250–251
fatigue as contributing factor in, 251–252
incidents, and near misses, 249–250
process, 250
sample NTSB fatigue-related accident investigation, 253–256
Accidents, fatigue and, 129–141
American airlines 1420-fatigue and decline in situation awareness, 133–135
Bhopal-fatigue and poor abnormal situation response, 129–133
cognitive tunneling, 138–140
Exxon Valdez-fatigue and work schedules, 136–138
fatigue’s role in, 141
Metro-North train derailment fatigue caused by circadian rhythms and sleep apnea, 140–141
NASA space shuttle-fatigue and decision ...
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