26.3 MPCM-Based Progressive Spectral Signature Coding
As recalled in the MPCM encoding algorithm, a signature vector will be considered as a 1-D spectral signature where rl is represented by one of the priority code words taking values in . For example, cl (r) indicates the priority of rl in MPCM encoding and decoding. The smaller the number cl (r) is, the higher priority the rl (r) is for spectral encoding and decoding.
Next, we can further construct an M-dimensional priority unit vector associated with the priority code word cl (r) for MPCM-PSC as follows:
with and . The condition that in (26.8) implies that cl (r) has only one “1” in its component and all zeros in its remaining components. It should be noted that the priority code word cl (r) takes the value in . Instead of using ...
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