C H A P T E R 6
More About Classes
- Class Members
- Order of Member Modifiers
- Instance Class Members
- Static Fields
- Static Function Members
- Other Static Class Member Types
- Member Constants
- Constants Are Like Statics
- Properties
- Instance Constructors
- Static Constructors
- Object Initializers
- Destructors
- The readonly Modifier
- The this Keyword
- Indexers
- Access Modifiers on Accessors
- Partial Classes and Partial Types
- Partial Methods
Class Members
The previous two chapters covered two of the nine types of class members: fields and methods. In this chapter, I’ll introduce all the other class members except events and operators, and explain their features. I’ll cover events in Chapter 14.
Table 6-1 shows a list of the class member types. Those that have ...
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