and the other recovers the antisymmetric components, given by

G a ( x,y )=sin( k x x+ k y y )exp( x 2 + y 2 2 σ 2 )( 5.60 )

where kx and ky give the spatial frequency with the strongest response, and σ is referred to as the scale of the filter.

The magnitude distributions of the above two Gabor filters are drawn in Figure 5.17, where kx = ky. Figure 5.17(a) is for the symmetric filter, while Figure 5.17(b) is for the antisymmetric filter.

By rotating and scaling the above two Gabor filters, it is possible to obtain a set of filters with different orientations and bandwidths to compute the Gabor spectrum, as shown in Figure 5.18. In Figure 5.18, each ellipse covers the range determined by the half-peak ...

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