Chapter 71. Text Wraps
When text meets graphics, or any two objects on your page overlap, your page layout application lets you choose how the two shall meet. In QuarkXPress, this choice is called runaround, and it’s controlled in the Runaround panel of the Modify dialog box. In InDesign, it’s called text wrap, and you make your choices in the Text Wrap palette.
Wrap Options
When you want to set the text wrap around an object, open the Text Wrap palette from the Window menu (or press Command-Option-W/Ctrl-Alt-W) If necessary, choose Show Options from the palette’s flyout menu to see the contour options at the bottom of the palette (see Figure 71-1).
Figure 71-1. The Text Wrap palette
Both QuarkXPress and InDesign let you set the text wrap for almost ...
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