41Time-Triggered CAN

Roland Kammerer

Vienna University of Technology

Roman Obermaisser

University of Siegen

  1. 41.1 Protocol Overview

  2. 41.2 Protocol Services

    1. Communication Services

    2. Clock Synchronization

    3. Sending and Receiving Messages in TTCAN

    4. Restart, Reintegration, Integration

    5. Diagnostic Services

    6. Error Detection and Fault Isolation

    7. Configuration Services

  3. 41.3 Flexible Time-Triggered CAN

  4. 41.4 Commercial or Prototypical Components

  5. References

41.1 Protocol Overview

Controller area network (CAN) [Int93a] provides an inexpensive and robust network technology, which is widely deployed in many application domains such as automotive, avionic, and industrial control systems. For example, present-day cars contain multiple CAN buses deployed for different ...

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