
3 “V”s of big data 101n9

Abe’s Market 39

accessibility 249

accounting: accountants and information 2279; cashing in on information 229; information 2015; probable economic value 22930

ACNielsen 12, 22

Acxiom 229

Adams, Paul 168

Advanced Drain Systems (ADS) 97

Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) 98

Albala, Mark 261

algorithm(s) 84, 889, 94, 96, 98, 137, 199, 2301, 279, 286, 28991

Amazon 36, 132, 211, 217n2

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) 21, 2056

analytics: actionable decision-making 8993; advanced 28990; advanced analytics advantage 835; business intelligence implementation 82; descriptive 823; diagnostic 823; exploiting Big Data 869; Gartner analytic ascendency model 83; identifying monetizable insights ...

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