Chapter 8

Web 2.0 and Social Media

Quick Look

Case 1, Opening Case: Organizations WOW Customers with Social Customer Service

8.1 Web 2.0 and Social Media

8.2 Virtual Communities and Social Networking Services

8.3 Enterprise 2.0—Social Networks and Tools for Business

8.4 Social Media Metrics

8.5 The Future: Web 3.0

Key Terms

Chapter 8 Link Library

Evaluate and Expand Your Learning

  • IT and Data Management Decisions
  • Questions for Discussion & Review
  • Online Activities
  • Collaborative Work

Case 2, Business Case: Is Google+ a Better Social Network?

Case 3, Video Case: Creating Customer Engagement for Danone Activia

Data Analysis & Decision Making: Estimating the Value of Social Media


Learning Outcomes

images Explain the interactive nature of Web 2.0 and its business applications.

images Identify trends in virtual communities and social networks and assess their impact on business.

images Describe how organizations use Web 2.0 apps to improve business functions.

images Explain metrics used to evaluate the effectiveness of social media strategies and tactics.

Describe semantic technologies and tools that ...

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