Principle 3: Cascade and Manage Strategy
When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind.
—Lord Kelvin
© Copyright 2010 Bob Paladino and Associates, LLC.
Principle 3, Cascade and Manage Strategy focuses on translating the outputs from Principle 2 into strategic objectives, measures, and targets that are actionable by employees. A key influence on development of these best practices derives from my experiences leading one of Kaplan and Norton’s largest consulting divisions, leading the Crown Castle International BSC program to earn the BSC Hall of Fame award, and from collaborating with over 20 Hall of Fame organizations through the years. Award-winning organizations have been successful at cascading measures and linking and aligning them vertically and horizontally enterprisewide.

CPM Core Process Blueprint and Key Process Roles

Careful research of the cases in this book reveals they follow a discernible set of core CPM processes organized within the Five Key Principles. These processes are arrayed in Exhibit 3.1 to provide strategic context and a working framework to assist you in your organization. Please note that Principle 3: Cascade and Manage Strategy consists of four primary CPM ...

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