Principle 4: Improve Performance
Major failures in business come not so much from unmet goals, as from lack of response to unforeseen changes.
—O. L. Duff
© Copyright 2010 Bob Paladino Associates LLC.
Principle 4, Improve Performance, focuses on improving customer and competitor intelligence and business improvement processes. In concert with Principle 3, if your balanced scorecard (BSC) indicates underperformance, then it would be incumbent on you to launch an initiative to improve performance. Principle 4 business improvement teams provide best practices and innovations for inclusion in Principle 5, Manage and Leverage Knowledge, discussed in the next chapter.
CPM Core Process Blueprint and Key Process Roles
Careful research of the cases in this book reveals they follow a discernible set of core corporate performance management (CPM) processes organized within the Five Key Principles. These CPM processes, arrayed in
Exhibit 3.1, provide strategic context and a working framework to assist you in your organization. Note that Principle 4, Improve Performance consists of three consistent CPM processes, though some organizations have expanded beyond these core processes.
Customer and Competitor Survey and Intelligence Process Example
The CPM office members play one or more of three key roles in executing the CPM core processes with the fourth, participants. We will ...