Introducing the GetUserOofSettings Method

You can get your OOF settings with Exchange Web Services by calling the GetUserOofSettings Web method. To call the GetUserOofSettings Web method via XML, you supply a GetUserOofSettingsRequest element in your call. The schema type for a GetUserOofSettingsRequest element is also named GetUserOofSettingsRequest and is shown in Example 22-13.

Example 22-13. Schema for the GetUserOofSettingsRequest type

<xs:complexType name="GetUserOofSettingsRequest">
  <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
    <xs:extension base="m:BaseRequestType">
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" ref="t:Mailbox" />

The Mailbox element in your GetUserOofSettingsRequest ...

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