
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Absolute temperature difference method, 249
Acceleration sensor, 287–288
Acoustic wave detection device, 224t
Acousto-optic voltage detector, 227–228, 228f
Adjustable UT-type wire clamp, 8, 9f
Airborne control computer, 179, 181f
Airborne UV detection, 87–92, 88f
Aircraft patrol line detection, 72
Airline terrain, automatic tracking system for, 182–183
Air pressure sensors, 292–293
Alarm signals, 262, 300
ALOS satellite, 102f, 103–104, 104f
Analog integrated temperature sensor, 288
Angle method, 251–255
Angle of oscillation, 412
Angle sensor, 286–287, 340, 397
Antistatic grounding, 233
Artificial pollution test, 265, 365–366, 367, 369
Audible noise, ...

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