Filter Classes

The source code for the setup, hash table, and filters is presented here for you to study. You can download the complete source code (about 400 lines) from Look for errata and notes at this web site as well.

The includes and constants sections (Example 11-40) are pretty straightforward. Some constant values are also read from the packet trace file.

Example 11-40. Filter classes setup

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "tbb\task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "tbb\pipeline.h"
#include "tbb\concurrent_hash_map.h"
#include "tbb\atomic.h"
#include "tbb\pipeline.h"

using namespace std;
// All packet attributes stored as std::strings (for simplicity)
typedef string nic_t, ip_t, port_t, app_t, protocol_t;

// Constants
static const string empty = "";
static const port_t FTPcmdPort  = "21";
static const port_t FTPdataPort = "20";

// Request contains FTP command
static const protocol_t IPwithFTP = "IPwithFTP";

// Default filenames
static const char* in_file_name   = "input.txt";
static const char* out_file_name  = "output.txt";

// Marker forpackets stream
static const string end_of_map    = "PacketTrace";

Example 11-41 shows the concurrent hash map definitions we need. Hash maps are used for storing both router port to (Local Device IP, Local Device Port) mapping, mapped_ports_table, and Local Device IP to Router NIC mapping, network_table. string_comparator is the hash compare type in both cases. ...

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