Echo Request and Echo Reply
Echo Request and Echo Reply query messages provide the ability for one system to see if another system is on the network and functional. Any Echo Request message received by a system must be responded to with an Echo Reply query message.
- ICMP Message Type
The Message Type for Echo Request is 8. The Message Type for Echo Reply is 0.
- ICMP Message Codes
Neither the Echo Request nor Echo Reply query messages uses any Codes, and this field must be zero. However, some vendors (such as Cisco) use some message codes for specific services. If you see a non-zero value in this field, check the documentation for the sending system to determine what purpose it serves.
- Defined In
RFC 792.
- Additional Fields
Both the Echo Request and Echo Reply query messages use three additional fields. Table 5.12 lists these fields, their size (in bytes), and their usage.
Table 5.12. The Additional Fields used in Echo Request and Echo Reply Query MessagesField
Provides a “session identification number” for the request and reply messages
Sequence Number
Provides a “counter” for the unique Echo Request and Echo Reply messages, allowing multiple messages to be sent using a single Identifier
Optional Data
Used to store any test data desired
These fields are explained below, but if you are familiar with the ping program, then you’re probably already aware of the functions they provide.
The Identifier field provides a kind of “session identification number” ...
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