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____ 9. Pounce on the tool to start it. In the Add XY Coordinates window—which may need some expanding—notice that at the lower-right corner there is a button that controls whether a help pane appears to the right of the main window. Show the help pane. Read about the tool. Click the Input Features text box and the help pane changes to provide information about that field. Press the Tool Help button. That takes you to the appropriate place in the ArcGIS Desktop Help system. Peruse and dismiss.
____ 10. Back in the Add XY Coordinates window, what you want to do is add the coordinates to the pgdbfc_point feature class attribute table. So browse using the little yellow folder next to the Input Features text box to
Highlight pgdbfc_point to bring it into the Name text box. The Input Features window should look like Figure 4-16.
____ 11. Press Add. Then press OK on the Add XY Coordinates window. The box disappears and computation proceeds. A scrolling message may appear on the Status bar, next to the coordinates. When the processing is done, a message window will appear in the lower-right corner of the desktop, announcing that the tool has successfully run. You can click on the name of the tool in that message to display a Results window, which shows the input and output. Also, ...

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