Making Sketches with Snapping
____ 1. Start ArcCatalog. By now you know the drill for making feature classes. In
make Edit_Play_Lines and Edit_Play_Polys, each with appropriate Type.
____ 2. Start ArcMap with a Blank Map. Add as data Edit_Play_Lines. Click Start Editing. Let’s start by making a 100 meter long east-west line. A Create Features window may appear on the right side of your ArcMap window. If it doesn’t appear, click on the Editor drop-down window and select Editing Windows > Create Features. The template should be Edit_Play_Lines. The Construction Tool should be Line. Move the crosshairs onto the map. Press F6 to bring up the Absolute X,Y window. Type 500000 for X and 6200000 for Y to make the first vertex. Press Enter.
____ 3. Right-click the data frame and pick Delta X,Y, which will let you give relative coordinates for the next vertex. Type 100 for X and 0 for Y. Press Enter.
____ 4. At this point all you will see is a red dot. The problem again is one of extent. Instead of zooming in with the zoom tool, which requires leaving the sketch tool, you can just press and hold the Z key, which puts the Editor in zoom-in mode as long as the key is held down.15 Repeatedly drag a small box around the red square until you see a line of reasonable length. Release the Z key to return to the sketch tool.
____ 5. Make a few random vertices by clicking. Click the Undo arrow icon in the Standard toolbar. ...

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