Finding the Geographic Position of an Address “Manually”
To further understand address ranges, let’s look at a particular block.
____ 10. Using Select By Attributes (from Selection on the Main menu), locate all street segments whose FENAME is Chinoe (shin-o-ee). Zoom to selected features. Now, using the Method “Add To Current Selection” find those streets with FENAME of Cooper OR FENAME of Cochran. Again zoom to selected features. The map should look like Figure 9-17 (and you really need the color file to see this one). In the attribute table, show only selected records. How many records (and hence segments of Chinoe, Cochran, and Cooper are there? _____. Assuming that you have already zoomed up on the area of the selections, label the roads on the map with FENAME. If you click the box to the left of a given record it turns yellow, as does the segment on the map. Inspect the records. Use the Select Feature tool on the Tools toolbar to select the section of Chinoe that runs between Cooper and Cochran. What is its OBJECTID? _______. Dismiss what’s left of the table.
The block of Chinoe we are interested in is the one between Cochran and Cooper.
____ 11. Use the Identify tool to examine the block of interest. What is the From Address on the right-hand side? ________. The From Address on the left-hand side? ________. The To Address on the right-hand side? ________. ...

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