© Damian Wojsław 2017

Damian Wojsław, Introducing ZFS on Linux, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3306-1_7

7. Space Accounting

Damian Wojsław

(1)ul. Duńska 27i/8, Szczecin, 71-795 Zachodniopomorskie, Poland

With such a rich feature set, including clones, snapshots, and compression all relying on file system organization, space monitoring needs to be done differently from the traditional Linux file systems. The usual *df _-h_* \command familiar to every Linux server administrator is no longer sufficient and may even be misleading.

Using New Commands

With ZFS, you need to learn two new commands and understand their arguments and output to keep track of your free space—*sudo zpool list* and * sudo zfs list *. On my home workstation, these commands ...

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