Chapter 3
Description Workshop for Audiovisual Corpora 1
3.1. A general overview
As we have just seen, ASW Studio enables us to segment a source video and subsequently describe it. Now let us deal with the phase of analyzing all or part of a video, which is done once it has been segmented.
The Description Workshop constitutes the technical execution and visual expression of the video analysis approach based on the semiotics of the audiovisual document. It offers the possibility of analyzing an audiovisual text with three levels or three headings – the metadescription, the source video in its entirety (without segmentation) and the video segment, as shown in Figure 3.1.
The “Metadescription” tab is reserved for identifying and describing a source video or a segment thereof (author/title of the description, legal notices, etc.).
The “Video” tab deals with the description/analysis of the source video in its entirety as a non-segmented entity.
The “Segment” tab is dedicated to the description of each segment previously identified and cut by the analyst.
In formal terms, the “Video” and “Segment” tabs have a structure which is built according to a structural model of audiovisual texts, applied at video level for the former, and at segment level for the latter.
Each of these tabs is described and ...
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