18.4. Detecting Shakes on an iOS Device


You want to know when the user shakes an iOS device.


Use the motionEnded:withEvent: method of your app’s window object.


The motionEnded:withEvent: method of your app’s window will get called whenever a motion has been captured by iOS. The simplest implementation of this method is this:

- (void) motionEnded:(UIEventSubtype)motion
           withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{

  /* Do something with the motion */


The motion parameter, as you can see, is of type UIEventSubtype. One of the values of type UIEventSubtype is UIEventSubtypeMotionShake, which is what we are interested in. As soon as we detect this event, we know that the user has shaken her iOS device. In order to get to our app’s window, though, we need to subclass UIWindow. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. In Xcode, while you have your project opened, go to File New File.

  2. From the lefthand side, make sure iOS is the main category and Cocoa Touch is the subcategory.

  3. In the list on the righthand side, select Objective-C class and then press Next, as shown in Figure 18-3.

    Creating a new Objective-C class for our window

    Figure 18-3. Creating a new Objective-C class for our window

  4. Now make sure that you are subclassing UIWindow and then press Next, as shown in Figure 18-4.

    Subclassing UIWindow

    Figure 18-4. Subclassing UIWindow

  5. In this screen, set the file name to ...

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