Chapter 5
The Email Must Get Through
Setting up email accounts
Reading and managing email messages
Sending email messages
Working with attachments
Ensuring the swift completion of your email rounds
Although in this modern age lots of people prefer to communicate via text message (you get to that in Chapter 6), it’s still impossible to imagine a world without email. Sure, we moan and complain about the sheer volume of messages that fill our inboxes every day, but many of us have jobs and relationships that rely on email and would be unthinkably more difficult without it.
Happily, your iPad knows all about this email business and can be configured to work with just about any email account. With your iPad set up to send and receive email, you’re free to leave your desk and handle all your email tasks in a more comfortable place. Sure, you might be doing that already with your smartphone, but the iPad’s big screen makes those email chores much easier and more pleasurable. ...
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